
Business Idea ₹11.88 lakh+ profit in two year

 Business ideas
1,50000 rupees 1 e-rickshaw
invest 9 lakhs and buy 6 e-rikshaw 
rent e-rickshaw for 600 rupees for day , charging fee renter's
600X6 = 3600 a day
3600 X 30 days - 1,08,000 *approx
108000 X 11 months - 11,88,000 *approx (feb - excluded)
Profit = 2,88,000 *approx in 11 months 
*feb is excluded because feb's money would go for service of rickshaws
*1 year low profit
*next year
again 1,08,000*APPROX in one month
1,08,000 X 11 = 11,88,000*APPROX
= this is your 2nd year profit 
*feb is excluded because feb's money would go for service of rickshaws

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